Core 5



Core 5

观众对内容的需求只会不断增加,而实体录音室的空间大小似乎正朝着相反的方向发展。如果您想打造沉浸式音频系统,可能需要在房间内安装多达 16 台音箱,此时可能会面临空间有限的问题。幸运的是,这款专为小型房间和近场监听而设计的紧凑型 Core 5 专业参考级监听音箱可满足您的需求。

在丹拿高端专业参考级监听音箱系列中,Core 5 是最紧凑的一个型号。这是一款二分频近场监听音箱,适合在狭窄的空间中搭建立体声系统,也可以为沉浸式音频系统提供宽度和深度支持。至关重要的是要提供适合这些工作的声压级,当您在转播车或小型混音舞台上聆听 Core 5 时不会感到吃力,并能确保您的耳膜不会震破。

这得益于每台音箱内的两个 D 类 Pascal 放大器:一个 280W 放大器用于驱动中音/低音单元,另一个 280W 用于驱动高音单元。Core 5 还搭载了先进的 DSP 技术,您可以获得平直的低音响应,-6dB 时可延伸至 45Hz,±3dB 时延伸至 51Hz。不可否认,对于这类尺寸的音箱来说,这一性能着实让人感到惊艳。


音箱顶部配备一只 28 毫米的 Cerotar Pro 高音单元。与所有其他 Core 音箱(以及所有其他丹拿音箱)一样,Core 5 也采用了精密的软球顶振膜,并搭配了“谐振克星”——Hexis 内置球顶。这款音箱的播放频率高达 30kHz,让您在聆听到所有细节的同时,仍然能够感到舒适放松。如果您要长时间工作,那么这一点至关重要(一旦感到疲劳,不妨回家休息)。

Core 5 采用 5 英寸低音单元,可下潜至 45Hz。该单元由丹拿特有的硅酸镁盐聚合物 (MSP) 材料制作而成,具有理想的轻质性、刚性和阻尼特性,可带来令人惊叹的精准性。

毫无疑问,这是一款毫无保留的音箱。如果您的混音出现问题,Core 5 定会帮您明察秋毫。



这款音箱的背板设计简单,其另一侧是我们能塞进的最先进的数字技术。Core 5 采用了与 Core 系列其他产品相同的创新技术,这项具有前瞻性的技术是丹拿数十年的研发结晶,能够真正满足录音室专业人士的需求。

每台音箱都有两个 DSP 滤波器,可帮您补偿位置和边界位置。如果将其摆放在桌面上,可使用相应的开关(巧妙地称为“Desk”(桌面))来处理混音台表面产生的第一次反射。如果将音箱放置在距离较远的支架或托架上?请选择“Anechoic”(消声)。如果将音箱放置在专门预留的墙面内部,则将此开关设置为“Soffit”(拱腹)。然后,您可以深入探索如何用“Free”(自由)、“Wall”(墙壁)或“Corner”(角落)模式来补偿反射。Core 5 与重低音喇叭同时使用时,还有一个 80Hz 的 Linkwitz-Riley 低频截止频率。

您比任何人都更了解您的房间,因此,我们进一步提供了“Sound balance”(声音平衡)选项,您可以通过选择“Bright”(明亮)、“Neutral”(中性)和“Dark”(深沉)来调整 Core 5 的整体声音表现。这种设计与其他品牌所使用的传统倾斜滤波器截然不同,它采用了全频段带通滤波器,能够根据想要的声音效果进行倾斜。在“Dark”(深沉)模式下,20kHz 的声音信号将下降 +1.5dB,而 40Hz 的声音信号将上升 1.5dB。“Bright”(明亮)模式则与之相反。这种调整可以保持驱动单元之间的相位响应,准确掌控时间节奏,从而形成清晰明亮的声场。




使用模拟输入?Core 5 设有一个专门的开关,可提供 0dBu 至 +24dBu 的增益范围,以设置最大模拟输入电平。

您还可以设置音箱的最大输出声压级和最大位深。将其设置为 96dB(参考电平 -20dBFS),可获得最高电平的峰值声压级 116dB,还可以切换至 79dB(参考电平 -20dBFS),以优化两种输入的位深。

如果处理的是数字工作流,则使用“Digital channel”(数字通道)开关设置监听音箱要接收 AES3 信号的哪一个通道。DSP 将根据输入的采样率(无采样率转换)运行,并且可以锁定数字音频时钟或字时钟,确保获得极致的精准性。


Core 5 摆放位置

答案很简单:随心所欲摆放在任何位置。Core 5 可以叠放(表面设有凹槽,与其他 Core 音箱和 Sub 叠放时便于精准定位),也可以安装在支架上,亦可竖直或水平悬挂在我们的可选购托架上。您甚至可以将低音单元放在高音单元上方。

Core 5 专为各种近场场景而设计,因此,即使您的转播车、录像编辑室、移动设备或沉浸式房间内空间不足,也能确保获得您和观众所需的精准性。

不要再心存疑虑,有了 Core 5 专业监听音箱,您能聆听到所有声音细节。


Sophisticated DSP that’s surprisingly easy to use

The AIR series was famous for its advanced DSP system. But our acoustic engineers don’t believe laurels are for resting on, so they’ve constantly been looking for better and more innovative ways of doing it.

That work has resulted in some great leaps in DSP sophistication – but also in the way it’s applied in everyday use. You, our users, wanted something easier to use, and that’s exactly what you get with Core – with even better performance.

Positioning is critical when installing a monitor system. That’s why each Core 59 has two DSP filter switches to address its position and boundary locations. For example, if you place the monitors on the meter bridge of a large-format mixing console, set them to ‘Desk’. This will help compensate for the first reflection created by the mixing surface. On the other hand, if you put the monitors into a purpose-built wall, setting the Position 1 filter to ‘Soffit’ will compensate for the increased bass response.


The tone that meets your tastes

Boundary effects created by placing a monitor close to walls or a ceiling can be compensated for by adjusting the Position 2 filter between ‘Wall’ or ‘Corner’. These filters help compensate for the reflections created by the boundary walls, especially in the lower frequencies.

There’s also a low-frequency 80Hz Linkwitz-Riley cutoff that can be engaged if you’re using Core 59 with a subwoofer to extend the low frequency response.

Users can also alter the overall presentation. Core 59 uses the same concept as the LYD series Sound Balance filter – a different design to typical shelving-EQ tweeter and woofer adjustments found on most active monitors.

Instead of simply fine-tuning the tweeter level up or down, which will affect phase response, Core 59 uses a full-spectrum band-pass filter that tilts depending on the desired tonal response. In the ‘Dark’ setting, the entire frequency response is tilted so that 20kHz is down -1.5dB, while 20Hz is up +1.5dB. In ‘Bright’, the tilt is reversed (+1.5dB at 20kHz and -1.5dB at 20Hz).

This gentle filter maintains the proper phase response between the drivers while providing the tone that meet your tastes. The changes are subtle, but often this little tweak is enough to make the sound balance just right.


Input sensitivity the way you want it

The noise-floor and signal resolution of any monitoring system is critical to its performance.

Whether you’re using the analogue or digital inputs, you need to be able to control the gain staging between the monitor controller and the speaker system. We’ve provided a range of 0dBu to +24dBu to match the analogue input sensitivity to the output level. Once optimised, Core 59 processes all analogue signals at a 192kHz sampling rate and 64-bit resolution in the DSP (from the 24-bit analogue-to-digital converter) for the greatest degree of mathematical precision.

There’s a switch to determine the maximum output SPL with the greatest bit-depth in the DSP. If you want the maximum level, set this to 112dB. If you work mostly at lower levels, choose a lower SPL setting to optimise the bit-depth of the DSP for both inputs.

When using the AES digital inputs, you must determine which channel (left or right) of the AES stream is used for that monitor. Core 59’s DSP operates at the incoming sample rate and either locks to the digital audio clock or word clock to maintain the most accurate signal possible.


The beating heart of your studio

We’ve designed Core 59 for you. We’ve designed it to be used however and wherever you need it – whether that’s for near-field, mid-field or main monitoring, or in soffit-mounted set-ups.

It’s made for music mastering, mixing, and recording; theatrical re-mixing; editorial and sound design for games or anywhere else you need an uncompromising critical monitoring system.

Core 59 is ready to be installed in high-SPL immersive audio and other multi-channel environments with both analogue and digital connectivity, DSP controlled acoustic response, and versatile positioning. That means complete tonal consistency whatever your monitoring needs.

It really does give you everything you need to hear.






Designed, developed, tested and made in Denmark. All the drivers are hand-made at Dynaudio HQ, and each speaker is individually calibrated before it leaves our factory


Advanced DSP


Simple to use… but incredibly powerful. Core’s DSP optimises performance for positioning, sound balance and bass extension


Power to spare

Each driver has its own dedicated class-D amplifier: 500W each for the woofer and midrange drivers, and a 150W amp for the tweeter. That’s some serious headroom


Esotar Pro tweeter 

Dynaudio’s already legendary high-frequency driver has been redesigned and re-engineered for high-performance professional use

Core 5


  • 在售情况 在售
  • 分类 专业音响
  • 系列 Core
  • 种类 近场监听扬声器
  • 模拟输入 XLR
  • 数字输入 AES3 XLR, BNC word clock 1x BNC word clock
  • 数字输出 AES3 XLR
  • 大声压级 (消声 dB @ 1m) 104
  • 最大声压级 (半消声 dB @ 1m) 110
  • 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦) 280
  • 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦) 280
  • 交流电源输入 100-240V 50/60 Hz


Perfect for mixing and mastering

"The Dynaudio Core 59 is a modern and high quality active monitor for a reasonable price. It provides an authentic, analytical result and is perfect for mixing and mastering. It is also fun and not overly critical, so it can be used over a long period of time."

German music portal Bonedo

Core 系列

  • 在售情况:
  • 分类:
  • 系列:
  • 种类:
  • 模拟输入:
  • 数字输入:
  • 数字输出:
  • 大声压级 (消声 dB @ 1m):
  • 最大声压级 (半消声 dB @ 1m):
  • 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦):
  • 功放功率的中音单元 (瓦):
  • 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦):
  • Core 59
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • Core
  • 主监听扬声器
  • XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • 113
  • 119
  • 500
  • 500
  • 150
  • Core 47
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • Core
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • 113
  • 118
  • 500
  • 500
  • 150
  • Core 7
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • Core
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • AES3 XLR
  • 112
  • 118
  • 500
  • 150
  • Core 5
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • Core
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR
  • AES3 XLR, BNC word clock 1x BNC word clock
  • AES3 XLR
  • 104
  • 110
  • 280
  • 280

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