酷音乐 不妥协

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Patrick Hegarty, 音响声学工程师
Dynaudio Music 1 review in the Lyd og Billede
All in all, the Music 1 is almost more impressive than a Music 7. Not because it's better. But because this little speaker goes above and beyond expectations much more than the bigger, heavier old brother.
Lyd og Billede, Denmark
This is music to our ears
The Swedish IDG just tested our Music range, granting us a phenomenal 8/10 stars rating.
IDG, Sweden
"RoomAdapt and NoiseAdapt: a stroke of genius."
The Scandinavian hi-fi magazine Lyd og Billede (Sound and Image) has tested the Dynaudio Music 7 speaker. After carefully demoing they decided to award the Music 7 with six start and a 'Highly Recommended' recommendation. Below we have translated our favourite quotes, and if you're good at Danish, included a link to the full review.
Lyd og Billede, Denmark
Full, but not bloated
In a double review, Australian Sound + Image goes full circle with the Dynaudio Music family by testing the Music 1 and Music 5. Below, you can find our favourite quotes related to the Music 5 - and a link to a similar article focused on the Music 1.
Australian Sound
"This thing could create a pulse in open air."
In a double review, Australian Sound + Image goes full circle with the Dynaudio Music family by testing the Music 1 and Music 5. Below, you can find our favourite quotes related to the Music 1 - and a link to a similar article focused on the Music 5.
Australian Sound
Music 7 - Smart speaker points out: “Danes don’t lie” when reviewing Dynaudio’s Music 7, taking apart all the promises we made about our one-system home speaker. The German review is a perfect all-rounder discussing design, engineering, sound quality, usability and comparison to other speakers with a conclusion that overshadows any doubts: Just like us, they’re in love! We translated some of our favourite quotes below., Germany
Music 5 review in No Paparazzi Man
Australian men's lifestyle magazine No Paparazzi Man borrowed the Music 5 for its office, testing the intelligent wireless music system. Below you can find our favourite quotes from No Paparazzi Man's article.
No Paparazzi Man, Australia
Easy handling, intelligent technology and sophisticated design
The German online magazine i-fidelity reviews the Music 5 leaving a top rating. Convenience, multi-room function and effortless usability convince on top of the remarkable sound performance and volume: “It truly sounds like stereo”. Our “All-in-one” speaker genuinely is ALL in ONE! Read our favourite quotes below.
Fidelity, Germany
One of the best plug-and-play systems
Walk through your local magazine-pusher in Germany these days and you’ll spot the Dynaudio 3 and Dynaudio 5 on the frontpage of HiFi einsnull. In a 6-page review, the digital audio specialist magazine covers both speakers. We have translated our favourite quotes from the review. You can find them below.
HiFi einsnull, Germany
Music 5 wireless loudspeakers - here comes the sun
In its latest issue the British hi-fi reviewer HiFi+ auditions the Music 5. We shared our favourite quotes below, but have also decided to make the full review available for download. So it's up to you: skim or deep dive. Not matter what you choose you'll find it further down.
What a modern music system should be like...
The German hi-fi magazine FIDELITY reviews the Dynaudio Music 5 in its July/August 2018 edition. Below you'll find our favourite quotes from the review.
Fidelity, Germany
No ordinary Wi-Fi speaker
How does the Music 7 stack up with its competition? That's what Soundstage! Simplify reviewer, Al Griffin, asked himself before he received a test sample of the new Music 7 Wi-Fi speakers. As it turns out, pretty well. Below you'll find our favourite quotes from Soundstage! Simplifi's review of our Dynaudio Music 7 Wi-fi speaker.

The Dynaudio Music 1 wins European design award
The Product Design of the Year Award recognizes the efforts of talented designers and design teams who aim to improve our daily lives with a practical and beautiful creations, designed to solve a problem, make life easier or simply spread joy.
European Product Design Award, Winner

Sunlight and speaker drivers - A recipe for disaster?
In this episode of Ask the Expert, our resident expert, Otto Jørgensen, is back, and responding to the question of how prolonged exposure to sunlight ...

Damaged speakers? How do I know?
Have you ever accidentally dimed your amp or had some other kind of mishap, giving you cause to fear for your speakers' safety? Have no fear. More tha...

Four new products on show - High End Munich 2024
We’re going to give an exclusive first-look at four brand-new products during this year’s High-End show in Munich – as well as showing off some exciti...