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Music 7
Music 7
相较于Music系列的其它扬声器,Music 7尺寸更大。和Music 5一样,Music 7也采用交流电源驱动,并配置了一个数字光纤输入,不过,Music 7还搭载了两个26mm软球顶高音单元、两个64mm中音单元和一对105mm低音单元。此外,Music 7还拥有一个带音频回传通道(ARC)的HDMI接口,所以您可以将它作为电视的soundbar扬声器使用。
与Music系列的其它扬声器一样,Music 7采用先进的数字信号处理技术,可精确感应房间的声学条件(包括摆放位置、环境噪音级别等),从而对自身性能进行持续性的调节,以适应不同房间的声学特性。您也许感觉不到Music 7自动智能调节的过程……但如果它停止自动调节,您一定能够发现。

Music 7
- 在售情况 在售
- 分类 家庭音响
- 系列 Music
- 种类 一体式
- 模拟输入 (主音箱) Mini-jack
- 数字输入 (主音箱) Toslink, HDMI (ARC), USB (iOS)
- 网络 Wi-Fi (2.4/5.0 GHz)
- 蓝牙 4
- 流媒体 Apple Airplay, Spotify Connect, DLNA, 网络电台, 蓝牙
- 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦) 50
- 功放功率的中音单元 (瓦) 50
- 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦) 50
- 交流电源输入 100-240V 50/60Hz
- 最小频响范围 (Hz ±3dB @ 85dB) 40
- 最大频响范围 (kHz ±3dB @ 85dB) 20
- 箱体调谐原理 后置倒相式
- 高音单元 2x 1 in 软球顶
- 中音单元 2x 3 in
- 低音单元 2x 5 in
- 重量 (公斤) 7.7
- 宽度 (毫米) 819
- 高度 (毫米) 201
- 深度 (毫米) 185
- 饰面 Light Grey, Dark Grey, Red, Blue

想改善平板电视的播放音质吗?Music 7是您的最佳选择,因为它带有HDMI(ARC)接口,搭配可选购的壁挂支架,您完全可以将它打造为强大的soundbar扬声器。
Patrick Hegarty, 声学工程师
Music 7 wins Product of the Year award
The Danish AV-magazine Lyd og Billede (Sound and Vision) choose the Dynaudio Music 7 as its Product of the Year in the wireless multiroom speaker category.
The Danish AV-magazine Lyd og Billede
"RoomAdapt and NoiseAdapt: a stroke of genius."
The Scandinavian hi-fi magazine Lyd og Billede (Sound and Image) has tested the Dynaudio Music 7 speaker. After carefully demoing they decided to award the Music 7 with six start and a 'Highly Recommended' recommendation. Below we have translated our favourite quotes, and if you're good at Danish, included a link to the full review.
The Scandinavian hi-fi magazine Lyd og Billede
No ordinary Wi-Fi speaker
How does the Music 7 stack up with its competition? That's what Soundstage! Simplify reviewer, Al Griffin, asked himself before he received a test sample of the new Music 7 Wi-Fi speakers. As it turns out, pretty well. Below you'll find our favourite quotes from Soundstage! Simplifi's review of our Dynaudio Music 7 Wi-fi speaker.
Music 7 - Smart speaker
Fairaudio.de points out: “Danes don’t lie” when reviewing Dynaudio’s Music 7, taking apart all the promises we made about our one-system home speaker. The German review is a perfect all-rounder discussing design, engineering, sound quality, usability and comparison to other speakers with a conclusion that overshadows any doubts: Just like us, they’re in love! We translated some of our favourite quotes below.
Before you can say great Danes...
Martin Dew reviews the Dynaudio Music 7, concluding that it's a sublime-sounding music streaming hub that's also comfortable as a soundbar. Find our favourite quotes below and a link to download the entire review.
Martin Dew
Fairaudio's Favourite Award 2019
"The high-frequencies had air and finesse I never ever heard from any other one-box-system."
Germany's largest online audio magazines, fairaudio
Classy and chic: Dynaudio Music
Frankfurter Allgemeine reviews the Dynaudio Music 7, emphasizing its good looks and impressive craftsmanship. Click here to find selected quotes and a link to the full review in German.
Frankfurter Allgemeine
- 在售情况:
- 分类:
- 系列:
- 种类:
- 模拟输入 (主音箱):
- 数字输入 (主音箱):
- 网络:
- 蓝牙:
- 流媒体:
- 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦):
- 功放功率的中音单元 (瓦):
- 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦):
- 交流电源输入:
- 最小频响范围 (Hz ±3dB @ 85dB):
- 最大频响范围 (kHz ±3dB @ 85dB):
- 箱体调谐原理:
- 高音单元:
- 中音单元:
- 中音单元/低音单元:
- 低音单元:
- 重量 (公斤):
- 重量 (磅):
- 宽度 (毫米):
- 高度 (毫米):
- 深度 (毫米):
- 宽度 (英寸):
- 高度 (英寸):
- 深度 (英寸):
- 饰面:

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