
LYD 8——LYD该系列中最大的二分频专业监听扬声器



LYD 8——LYD该系列中最大的二分频专业监听扬声器。LYD8是对我们以往专业监听扬声器的彻底颠覆和重新定义,专业监听扬声器因此这也让您重新定义所创音乐的艺术表现力。

凭借8英寸直径的MSP低音单元和先进的DSP处理模块,LYD 8将为您带来梦寐以求(或在聆听热门专辑时期望)的声音表现精准细节和低频能量。与该系列的其他扬声器一样,LYD 8近场专业监听扬声器也采用手工制造的单元和先进的D类功放,并且可以针对其在房间内位置的声学特性对声音进行精确微调。




  • 在售情况 在售
  • 分类 专业音响
  • 系列 LYD
  • 种类 近场监听扬声器
  • 模拟输入 XLR, RCA
  • 最大声压级 (1m, 每对) 112
  • 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦) 80
  • 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦) 50
  • 交流电源输入 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • 待机功耗 (瓦) 0.5
  • 最大电源功耗 (瓦) 100
  • 频响下限 (Hz ±3dB @ 85dB) 55
Product-Lineart-LYD 8


Axel Boman, 音訊工程師


Engineering Integrity Makes LYD Classy and Capable

"Both the LYD 5 and LYD 8 are classy and capable nearfield monitors invested with thoughtful electro-acoustic engineering. They look great, their performance is up there with the best in their class, and that they’re relatively affordable only increases their appeal. (…) If you asked me, and I’m sure you did, to come up with one phrase to describe my feelings about the LYD monitors it would be ‘engineering integrity’.”

Sound on Sound

Pro Tools Expert LYD Review: Near Field Size. Main Monitor Sound

Pro Tools Expert took the entire LYD studio monitor in for a detailed review. As James Ivey points out, each model shines in its own way and is ideal for significant purposes.

Pro Tools Expert

Bonedo Considers LYD a Genuine Danish Delicacy

German online magazine, Bonedo, reviewed all 3 LYD models. In short, they conclude that LYD preserves the classic Dynaudio virtues: The design is modern, the standard of craftsmanship is high and the sound is immaculate and very transparent.

Bonedo, Germany

MusicTech LYD Review: Exceptional Degree of Clarity

MusicTech put LYD 5 and LYD 8 on the review test bench and receives a 9/10 rating, earning a genuine MusicTech 'Choice' recommendation.


Resident Advisor: Excellent Clarity Even at Very Low Volumes

"The bass on the LYD 8s is excellent. It was never cloudy or woolly and, in fact, revealed some of the flaws in my own audio interface converters. The high-end is equally impressive, with excellent clarity even at very low volumes. (...) It allows you to make decisions faster and move quickly through the mix process, a benefit that cannot be overstated."

Resident Advisor

The Most Extended and Linear Bass Response

"I felt rather comfortable nearly immediately with the LYD8s. Indeed, at first, the bottom-end response seemed a little too rumbly, but after a week of break-in, that bottom-end came into balance with the smooth and genuinely accurate performance of the soft dome tweeter. This was the most extended and linear bass response I’ve ever heard from compact nearfields. (...) I would estimate the LYD Series will become market leaders." 

Rob Tavaglione


  • 在售情况:
  • 分类:
  • 系列:
  • 种类:
  • 模拟输入:
  • 最大声压级 (1m, 每对):
  • 功放功率的高音单元 (瓦):
  • 功放功率的中音单元 (瓦):
  • 功放功率的低音单元 (瓦):
  • 交流电源输入:
  • 待机功耗 (瓦):
  • 最大电源功耗 (瓦):
  • LYD 48
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • LYD
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR, RCA
  • 112
  • 80
  • 50
  • 50
  • 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • 0.5
  • 100
  • LYD 8
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • LYD
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR, RCA
  • 112
  • 80
  • 50
  • 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • 0.5
  • 100
  • LYD 7
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • LYD
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR, RCA
  • 109
  • 50
  • 50
  • 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • 0.5
  • 100
  • LYD 5
  • 在售
  • 专业音响
  • LYD
  • 近场监听扬声器
  • XLR, RCA
  • 106
  • 50
  • 50
  • 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • 0.5
  • 100

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